let test'test = 15
let bla = test'test
type test'test<'a> = Test<'a>
let ``type`` = "hello"
let ``type` is a keyword but I can use it in my 'd funky \ \\ \n " ^d binding`` = "hello"
let char : char =
let char = box (char "a")
let result = unbox<char> char
try ()
with | :? ArgumentException -> failwith "..."
type ``my = type`` = {a:string}
let x : char array = [|'a'|]
let f f' = f' () : 'returnType
and not color this as a type. let's end this with an end pattern: =
let f (a: int, (b: string)) = ()
let f (a: int, b: string) = ()
let anonymousRecordAnnotation : {| X: string; Y: int array * string |} = ...
let nested : {| X: string; Y: {| Nested: bool |} |} = ()
let test (a: {| X: string; Y: {| Nested: bool |} |}) = ()
let f (a: (string[])) = a
let f (a: int -> (unit -> string) -> string) (b: ('a -> 'b -> _ -> ``my = type`` -> {| Prop: '``quoted``|}) -> 'a list -> 'b list) = a
let f (a: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> (unit -> string) -> {| X: string |}) : _ * (int -> unit) = a, (fun x -> ())
let f (a: ('a -> 'b)
-> {| X: (int -> {| Y: (string -> (unit )); A: ``my = type`` |}) |}
-> 'b list -> (unit -> string) -> {| X: string |}) = a
let test : string = ...
let f (a: 'a when 'a : null, b: string) = ()
let iterate2 (f : unit -> #seq<int>) =
for e in f() do printfn "%d" e
type record =
{ X: int -> ('a -> 'b) -> (unit -> string) -> 'a list -> 'b list
Y: {| Bla: string array -> unit |} }
type record =
{ X: string
Y: {|
Bla: string array
-> unit |} }
type FancyClass(thing:int, var2 : string -> string, ``ddzdz``: string list, extra) as xxx =
let pf() = xxx.Test()
let mutable myInternalValue = null
member xxx.Test() = "F#"
member __.MyReadOnlyProperty = myInternalValue
member __.MyWriteOnlyProperty with set (value) = myInternalValue <- value
member __.MyReadWriteProperty
with get () = myInternalValue
and set (value) = myInternalValue <- value
member __.ReadAndWriteWithSignature
with get (count : int) : string = string count
and set (value : int) : unit = failwith ""
member __.MyReadWriteProperty with get () = myInternalValue
member __.MyReadWriteProperty with set (value) = myInternalValue <- value
abstract Update : int * string * string option * obj -> FancyClass
default this.Update (thing:int, var2 : string, ``name with spaces``: string option, extra) = this
member val Property1 = thing
member val Property2 = "" with get, set
type Ref<'a> =
{ mutable contents: 'a }
type Bla<'a> = {X: string}
type Blah<
> = { x: 'a }
type Blah <
> = { x: 'a }
type Bla <'a> = {X: string}
let inline asdf x: Bla<'a> = {X = ""}
let inline asdf x: Bla<^a> = {X = ""}
let inline asdf x: Bla< ^a > = {X = ""}
let a : '``asdf``_asdf = ()
type MyType<'T when 'T : null> = ...
type MyType<'T when 'T : unmanaged> = ...
type MyType<'T when 'T : (member Method1 : 'T -> int)> = ...
type MyType<'T when 'T : delegate<obj * System.EventArgs, unit>> = ...
let genericSumUnits ( x : float<'u>) (y: float<'u>) = x + y
let inline konst x _ = x
type CFunctor() =
static member inline fmap (f: ^a -> ^b, a: ^a list) = List.map f a
static member inline fmap (f: ^a -> ^b, a: ^a option) =
match a with
| None -> None
| Some x -> Some (f x)
static member inline replace< ^a, ^b, ^c, ^d, ^e when ^a :> CFunctor and (^a or ^d): (static member fmap: (^b -> ^c) * ^d -> ^e) > (a, f) =
((^a or ^d) : (static member fmap : (^b -> ^c) * ^d -> ^e) (konst a, f))
static member inline replace< ^a, ^b, ^c when ^b: (static member replace: ^a * ^b -> ^c)>(a: ^a, f: ^b) =
(^b : (static member replace: ^a * ^b -> ^c) (a, f))
let inline replace_instance< ^a, ^b, ^c, ^d when (^a or ^c): (static member replace: ^b * ^c -> ^d)> (a: ^b, f: ^c) =
((^a or ^c): (static member replace: ^b * ^c -> ^d) (a, f))
let inline replace (a: ^a) (f: ^b): ^a0 when (CFunctor or ^b): (static member replace: ^a * ^b -> ^a0) =
replace_instance<CFunctor, _, _, _> (a, f)
type DUType =
| CaseA
| CaseB of int
| CaseC of (int * (string * string) list)
| CaseD of name :string * age:int
| CaseE of client: Client
| CaseF of client: Client * string * port : int
| CaseG of (obj -> unit)
| CaseH of string * (obj -> unit)
| CaseI of int | CaseJ of int
| CaseF2 of client: Client
| FetchDomainsSuccess of Result<int list * ``type with spaces`` * int, ``type * with * spaces``>
| CaseK of ``var with spaces``: string
| CaseL of ``var with spaces``: ``type with spaces``
| CaseM of v1 : ``type with spaces``
| CaseN of ``type with spaces``